Wednesday 29 February 2012

Built For Sin

Say so long to innocence
From underneath the evidence
You taste like Heaven, but God knows your built for sin

You can scream out loud
But your panic falls on deaf ears
This is where you've brought yourself
And this is what you've always feared
There's a faceless crowd, with no sympathy
So you can scream out loud
But there's no one listening

Say so long to innocence
From underneath the evidence
You taste like Heaven, but God knows your built for sin

Sunday 11 July 2010

Melodia Africana

Despite my desire to write a blog post over the last few days, I have sadly been feeling very little inspiration! P100704010edited

So why post anything at all? Will this “nothing” entry in someway satisfy this urge?


But none-the-less!               Again, I do LOVE how attention can always be turned back to Jesus.

He is so good, I owe Him everything, and my heart cries out to Him in love.

Much love...

Tuesday 29 June 2010

“My heart is beating like a jungle drum”

Also, I saw a short video this morning of someone commenting on a part of Proverbs, and it’s really got me yearning to read some more of His Word.

But despite the fact that I can’t go and get my Bible right now (logistical reasons you see), I love how I can feel closer to God/more of the Holy Spirit (call it what you will) through the simple act of thought and belief, and through the anticipation for much needed and timely prayer.

Ah, I love our God. (should probably endeavour to say that more!)


My that all seemed rather difficult to put into words…

Acronym Love

Well, hasn’t it been a while.

I both love and hate the cycle that I go through with this. I want to write. I want to write oh so eloquently. Oh so Godly. Oh so thoughtfully.

Yet I don’t want it to be fake. I don’t want it to be something other than me. Something other than the person God made me/is making me into.

Do I set myself too high expectations? Most likely.                          Do I put too much pressure on myself? Most likely.                           Do I doubt, when instead I should trust? Most likely.


Does God love me? No matter what? Irrevocably? Unconditionally?

Yes! So there me.

Thursday 22 April 2010

Waiting Room

So maybe that new post wasn't as soon as I first thought....

Not to worry however, this one is it! That being said, I seriously have not a lot to share right now.. The wait goes on it would seem!
So have another picture. That's always nice :)


Sunday 11 April 2010

Patience of a saint


There will be a new post coming soon! Exciting :)

statue oldernised

Monday 18 January 2010

Friends in all the right places


Not sure where to begin this, nor am I entirely sure what I want to write down, as a matter of fact. Throughout the majority of today, I have had my head (and heart) in the right place. Church was great, and this morning especially, I could see and feel the holy spirit more strongly than I have in a while now, and I wasn’t the only one. So many people were meeting with the spirit, being moved by it, having a real relationship with God. The sermons today were focussed a lot around friendships and brotherly love, and thankfully, these are aspects of our faith that will not fade diminish or change. Because whilst our earthly feelings are fleeting and can change on a daily, hourly, even minute by minute basis, there is an over-riding love running through life that will never change. This is of course the love that Christ has for us, and as believers, we all have this love to give to others.

Take Paul the apostle:

No matter what he was going through, his love for his friends didn’t change, and he never stopped encouraging them and building them up in their faith. And we have the potential (and also the responsibility) to do the same. But we also have the need to be the ones receiving this encouragement and love! So surely as brothers and sisters in Christ, this love should be available for us all to receive from one-another, whenever we need it, 24/7.

If only that were the case!

As humans, we all too often hurt each other in a multitude of ways, and let each other down much more often than we would like. But again, that amazing and ever-lasting love comes back into view, back into our consciousness. The love of an almighty and righteous God. And when all is said and done, when our feelings of hurt, shame, guilt, helplessness (etc…) have been washed away by the tide of this unstoppable love, all that is left IS that love. And all of us will see just how united we are, as the bride of Christ.

Ok, totally lost my train of thought! I won’t say I’ll return to this and finish it, as when I do, I never end up doing it. So for now, its just a plain old goodbye!

Until next time: Love each other!